Iteration: Do it more than once

Iteration is doing a process more than once. It asks the designer to look at the same design question and answer it from different core ideas or perspectives. It boils do to have different options to choose from that might be fundamentally different.

Iterations can be done through visualization, refinement, and parameters. Visualization is done with rapidly created models and sketches to help visualize the project and object of design. Next is refining these sketches and model making, while considering design elements and factors completed in the site analysis and pre-design phases. Finally you review the iterations using the parameter found in prompts or from within yourself as the designer to iterate on stronger ideas by combining ideas as found appropriate.

Iterations are variants of ideas that can be based on similar ideas, but have different methods of expression. not all building, cars, even pens, look the same. Further, not all of the designed objects in our world are made with some sort of revision or alterations.

These systematic changes to a design in response to different criteria make our series of iterations.

The process of iterating is critical to the design process.

This means that a design is not optimized as a final solution. for that matter design is not a problem to be solved, but rather a process to be explored. Iterating is a cyclical process that helps designs to not only discover, but then refine and then understand what is important in a design, how it can be improved, or how ideas can be combined or altered as desired. This requires that we visualize something, a designed response in our mind, bringing together information from a number of sources together. Then, with this information you begin to represent these ideas to others.

This requires that we have some method for making decisions about our designs. This can be done using the pre-design ideas, desired characteristics, project criteria, or other broader methods such as choosing by advantages.