
Hue is the family of a color, for example red, green, or blue. These colors can create different color schemes and compositions when applied to plants in vegetated assemblies.

Hue of a color is how you, as the designer see it. People will identify color slightly differently, but the main hue will often be the same. Laws of nature, such as light and color will always exist, but an organ such as the eye must be present to manifest the physical condition. The eye does not cause light and color to occur, but allows it to appear to us.

It is vitally important not to reduce vision, color, or representation to simply a picture. Therefore, when constructing and designing vegetated assemblies, it is not only important to consider the edge as a design intervention, but also from the eye’s need to differentiate space.

The edge of the assembly not only can define the space, but also the character of the internal field of vegetation and its color.

Species of the plant will determine the hues that are available. This can also change during the year depending on fruit, leaves, flowers. Thus, our plants (pigments), our assembly (medium), our space (paper), and our design (methods) must be in relation to each other and thought of in a cohesive whole.

I suggest reviewing the work of Albers, Goethe, Luis Barragan, and Newton.

In general, consider the classification of color: primary, secondary and tertiary and how this can create schemes in the design.

Show the hues in your work and implement effects of colors in the design: the ability for color to create space and contrast with a background and how to create a composition. Finally, research the hues of each plant that the season changes will affect the colors of the plants, thus allowing for diversity in decision making process.